Stolen Vehicle Recovery

Trusted Auto Body Shop in The Bronx, NY 

Collision Proz Auto Body Shop is committed to doing whatever it can for our customers. Our services help drivers enjoy a vehicle they can rely on and stay safe on the road. One additional service we offer to help our customers is stolen vehicle recovery. If the worst-case scenario happens and your car is stolen, you can get the help you need from a stolen vehicle recovery system. We provide stolen vehicle recovery software that can be installed in your vehicle and provide real-time data reporting the location of your vehicle. This information will be shared with law enforcement to help you track down your vehicle. 


A stolen vehicle recovery system can help provide you with at least some peace of mind during a time of great stress and uncertainty. A stolen vehicle recovery system is the best way to track down your stolen vehicle and get it back to you quickly. The systems we install in vehicles include the most advanced GPS tracking software available for the most accurate information on your vehicle. Having a stolen vehicle recovery system in your vehicle may also discourage a thief from considering stealing your vehicle, if they know that your car comes with a stolen vehicle recovery system. 

Professional Auto Technicians 

Collision Proz Auto Body Shop is committed to ensuring driver safety. We believe the installation of a stolen vehicle recovery system can help keep drivers and their vehicles safe from theft. Find out more about all the ways we keep our customers safe with our professional auto services.

For stolen vehicle recovery and other auto safety services, visit our auto body shop in the Bronx, NY. We’re just a short drive for drivers in nearby Yonkers, NY; New Rochelle, NY; and Mount Vernon, NY as well. Call us today to request an estimate on the service you need. 

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